One indisputable part of my life is fitness and going to the gym. I try my best to not make the gym my personality because that doesn’t define you, and no one wants unsolicited advice. I get that. Fitness is a lifestyle but not a personality. With that being said, I use my fitness account on Instagram as a platform for those who are interested in weightlifting and aesthetics.

Something that absolutely irks me in the worst way possible is the amount of body dysmorphia created by so-called “coaches” and “trainers” lying to their audience about their bodies. Let’s get one thing straight, your body is your business. That’s not the issue though. Photoshop isn’t the issue either. What I’m referring to here is the amount of bodybuilders, trainers, coaches, and influencers telling their clients and followers their body is naturally attainable, when it is in fact not. These people are commonly referred to as fake natties.

What these sorry, cheating people are not telling you, is that they’re on a number of PEDs. Performance Enhancement Drugs. Steroids. I’m not gonna get into the plethora of different steroids on the market, but it’s a problem. Not the steroids themselves, but the lying to countless people who have put their trust in these “role models”. Not only have they lied to their followers for pure pride and profit, but they have also created a false reality of achievement in the client’s head. This will inevitably be met with disappointment, regret, and in worse cases, body dysmorphia.

I hope that someday I can guide people in the right direction when it comes to fitness and aesthetics. I also would like to clear up many misconceptions about food and lifting in an efficient and digestible way. And unlike a lot of people, I want it to be done with safety as a top priority. Not ego lifting and PEDs. For the sake of professionalism, I will not namedrop specific influencers that cheat their customers but look around you, and you’ll be sure to find them.