Hi there, my name is William Meisch, welcome to my website. Feel free to stay as long as you’d like. As I write this, I’m a Digital Media Innovation student at Texas State University. The days in high school seemed to drag on forever, but the years here are just passing with the blink of an eye. And so it goes, they say you can’t have too much of a good thing, or it’s no longer good. Nonetheless, I’m extremely thankful with my choice to have attended this university and the amazing program I am a part of.

I’m from Austin, TX, just down the road from Texas State. Back at home, I have a dog named Charlie, and my family of course. Charlie is a mix between a Rhodesian Ridgeback and a Labrador Retriever, and it’s safe to say he’s a BIG boy. It’s pretty rare for me to go home during the semester now as it seems I’m always doing something, but on the occasions I do, it’s always nice to see my family, Charlie, and ride the bike.

A few of my favorite activities outside of my academics are going to the campus rec center, watching movies, hanging out with my roommates, and headbanging to Motionless In White. I’ve taken a new and surprisingly strong liking to metal music this year. I feel like you have to really like that type of music to get into it, or else you won’t really like it at all. On top of just enjoying that music in general, it doubles as hype music for the gym. All in all, if I’m not on campus or at the gym, you’ll most likely catch me at home scrolling through TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Check out my other pages to learn more!

Favorite Movie Series
The Lord of The Rings
Favorite Bands
Motionless In White
Make Them Suffer
Ice Nine Kills
Favorite Season